(PHP 5 >= 5.3.0)
DateTime::getTimestamp — Gets the Unix timestamp
Objektorientierter Stil
Prozeduraler Stil
Gets the Unix timestamp.
Diese Funktion hat keine Parameter.
Returns the Unix timestamp representing the date.
Beispiel #1 DateTime::getTimestamp() example
Objektorientierter Stil
$date = new DateTime();
echo $date->getTimestamp();
Prozeduraler Stil
$date = date_create();
echo date_timestamp_get($date);
The above examples will output something similar to:
Using U as the parameter to DateTime::format() is an alternative when using PHP 5.2.
It's important to note that on 32-Bit systems getTimestamp() will return false for dates greater than 2038, while format("U") will return an unsigned integer
This will return false:
$dt = new DateTime('2039/1/1');
echo $dt->getTimestamp();
But this will return a value:
$dt = new DateTime('2039/1/1');
echo $dt->format('U');
Note that for dates before the unix epoch getTimestamp() will return false, whereas format("U") will return a negative number.
$date = new DateTime("1899-12-31");
// "-2209078800"
echo $date->format("U");
// false
echo $date->getTimestamp();