PHP Doku:: Creates a new rotated matrix - cairomatrix.initrotate.html

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Doku-StartseitePHP-HandbuchFunktionsreferenzBildverarbeitung und -generierungCairoThe CairoMatrix classCairoMatrix::initRotate -- cairo_matrix_init_rotate

Ein Service von Reinhard Neidl - Webprogrammierung.

The CairoMatrix class

<<CairoMatrix::initIdentity -- cairo_matrix_init_identity

CairoMatrix::initScale -- cairo_matrix_init_scale -- cairo_matrix_create_scale>>



(PECL cairo >= 0.1.0)

CairoMatrix::initRotate -- cairo_matrix_init_rotateCreates a new rotated matrix


Object oriented style (method):

public static void CairoMatrix::initRotate ( float $radians )

Procedural style:

object cairo_matrix_init_rotate ( float $radians )

Creats a new matrix to a transformation that rotates by radians provided



angle of rotation, in radians. The direction of rotation is defined such that positive angles rotate in the direction from the positive X axis toward the positive Y axis. With the default axis orientation of cairo, positive angles rotate in a clockwise direction.


Returns a new CairoMatrix object that can be used with surfaces, contexts, and patterns.


Beispiel #1 Object oriented style

/* Create a new Matrix */
$matrix CairoMatrix::initRotate(0.3);

Beispiel #2 Procedural style

/* Create a new Matrix */
$matrix cairo_matrix_init_rotate(0.3);

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