PHP Doku:: Sortiert ein Array in "natürlicher Reihenfolge", Groß/Kleinschreibung wird ignoriert - function.natcasesort.html

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Ein Service von Reinhard Neidl - Webprogrammierung.

Array Funktionen




(PHP 4, PHP 5)

natcasesortSortiert ein Array in "natürlicher Reihenfolge", Groß/Kleinschreibung wird ignoriert


bool natcasesort ( array &$array )

Diese Funktion implementiert einen Sortieralgorithmus, welcher alphanumerische Zeichenketten reiht, wie es auch ein Mensch tun würde, wobei Sie die Schlüssel-Wert-Zuordnung beibehält. Das wird als "natürliche Reihenfolge" bezeichnet.

Gibt bei Erfolg TRUE zurück. Im Fehlerfall wird FALSE zurückgegeben.

natcasesort() ist eine Groß-/kleinschreibung ignorierende Version von natsort().

Beispiel #1 natcasesort() Beispiel

$array2 = array('IMG0.png''img12.png''img10.png''img2.png''img1.png''IMG3.png');

"Standard Reihenfolge\n";

"\nNatürliche Reihenfolge (Groß-/Kleinschreibung ignorierend)\n";

Das oben gezeigte Beispiel erzeugt folgende Ausgabe:

Standard Reihenfolge
    [0] => IMG0.png
    [1] => IMG3.png
    [2] => img1.png
    [3] => img10.png
    [4] => img12.png
    [5] => img2.png

Natürliche Reihenfolge (Groß-/Kleinschreibung ignorierend)
    [0] => IMG0.png
    [4] => img1.png
    [3] => img2.png
    [5] => IMG3.png
    [2] => img10.png
    [1] => img12.png

Detailliertere Informationen finden Sie auf Martin Pool's » Natural Order String Comparison Seite.

Siehe auch sort(), natsort(), strnatcmp() und strnatcasecmp().

9 BenutzerBeiträge:
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14.12.2010 18:45
Sorting UTF-8 by arbitrary order:


// everything else is sorted at the end
static $order = '0123456789AaÄäBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMm
  static function
cmp($a, $b) {
    if (
$a == $b) {
// lazy init mapping
if (empty(self::$char2order))
$order = 1;
$len = mb_strlen(self::$order);
      for (
$order=0; $order<$len; ++$order)
self::$char2order[mb_substr(self::$order, $order, 1)] = $order;
$len_a = mb_strlen($a);
$len_b = mb_strlen($b);
$max=min($len_a, $len_b);
$i=0; $i<$max; ++$i)
$char_a= mb_substr($a, $i, 1);
$char_b= mb_substr($b, $i, 1);
      if (
$char_a == $char_b) continue;
$order_a = (isset(self::$char2order[$char_a])) ? self::$char2order[$char_a] : 9999;
$order_b = (isset(self::$char2order[$char_b])) ? self::$char2order[$char_b] : 9999;
      return (
$order_a < $order_b) ? -1 : 1;
    return (
$len_a < $len_b) ? -1 : 1;

// usage example:

$t = array(
'Birnen', 'Birne', 'Äpfel', 'Apfel',

uasort($t, 'utf_8_german::cmp');
'$t: <pre>'.htmlspecialchars(print_r($t,true),null,'UTF-8').'</pre>';
shawn at shawnwilkerson dot com
5.05.2009 19:03
I kept getting varied results using natcasesort and sort on mixed arrays -- per the descriptions.

Sometimes simple is better:

A little snippet of code:

<?php                        if($responders->num_rows) {
$row= $responders->fetch_assoc()) {
$r[$i]= array("sortname"=>strtolower($user),"userName"=>$user, "userID"=>$row['responderID'], "responderID"=>$row['idresponders']);


I simply created a lower cased sort field at the front of the result set and then sort by it -- which provides the expected result and leaves the actual needed fields unchanged.

For the curious:  all user information is kept completed in another database (and table) from the content database due to security reasons.  The getUser functions we have written allow us to pull only what is legally allowed without exposing anything else.

This is why a left join or something wasn't used and we have to build a pseudo result array here from both databases.
claude at schlesser dot lu
7.01.2009 9:41
Here a function that will natural sort an array by keys with keys that contain special characters.

function natksort($array)
$original_keys_arr = array();
$original_values_arr = array();
$clean_keys_arr = array();

$i = 0;
    foreach (
$array AS $key => $value)
$original_keys_arr[$i] = $key;
$original_values_arr[$i] = $value;
$clean_keys_arr[$i] = strtr($key, "ÄÖÜäöüÉÈÀËëéèàç", "AOUaouEEAEeeeac");


$result_arr = array();

    foreach (
$clean_keys_arr AS $key => $value)
$original_key = $original_keys_arr[$key];
$original_value = $original_values_arr[$key];
$result_arr[$original_key] = $original_value;


Hope it will be useful to somebody :)
2.12.2008 16:45
If your array already is sorted ASC or DESC, then natcasesort, ksort and sort (I only tested those) will invert the sorting order.
This is most troublesome since its impossible to force a sorting order. I had to use array_multisort instead and lose the natrual sorting.

Natcasesort expects a single dimension array, so if your value is an array then it will report a "Array to string conversion" notice per key/value set.
php at method5 dot de
6.11.2003 19:56
hi all,
this is my first post at first of all thank you for this huge site :)

ok i found it usefull to post this for others. in the german language we have words like 'ä ö ü' its called "umlaute" and it was a problem to me to "naturally" sort an huge array correctly so i coded this small block to get me helped, if anyone has an better idea please post and let us know as i am not a real crack :)

1. change each "umlaut" (äöüß) into its "nearest" equivalent
2. natcasesorting it naturally
3. re-assiging the correct sorted array with the original-words again while keeping track of the KEY...

$aSupplier = array(3 => "MAN",2 => "Atlas",16 => "Chevrolet",17 => "Chrysler",19 => "Citroen",24 => "DAF",25 => "Daihatsu",27 => "Daewoo",28 => "Demag",30 => "Dodge",36 => "Schierling",208 => "HIAB",38 => "Hüffermann",39 => "Gergen",40 => "Kubato",41 => "Faun",43 => "Kleindienst",44 => "Swing",45 => "Neuhaus",46 => "Unimog",47 => "Meiller",48 => "Pfau-Johnston",49 => "Geesink",50 => "Schörling",51 => "Demag-Witting",53 => "Helmers",54 => "Ellermann",55 => "Jacobsen",56 => "Biki",57 => "Hansa",58 => "Kramer",59 => "Schmitz",60 => "Toro",61 => "Iseki",62 => "Haller",63 => "Kuka",64 => "Brock",65 => "Ambross",66 => "Sobernheimer",67 => "Pietsch",68 => "Küpper",69 => "Weisser",71 => "Wackenhut");

foreach ( $aSupplier as $key => $value )
    $aSupplier2[$key] = strtr($aSupplier[$key], "ÄÖÜäöüß", "AOUaous");


foreach ( $aSupplier2 as $key => $value )
  if ( $aSupplier2[$key] != "" )
    $aSupplier3[$key] = $aSupplier[$key];

echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";

vbAlexDOSMan at Yahoo dot com
12.09.2003 10:21
Ulli at Stemmeler dot net:  I remade your function -- it's a little more compact now -- Enjoy...

function ignorecasesort(&$array) {

  /*Make each element it's lowercase self plus itself*/
  /*(e.g. "MyWebSite" would become "mywebsiteMyWebSite"*/
  for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($array); $array[$i] = strtolower($array[$i]).$array[$i], $i++);

  /*Sort it -- only the lowercase versions will be used*/

  /*Take each array element, cut it in half, and add the latter half to a new array*/
  /*(e.g. "mywebsiteMyWebSite" would become "MyWebSite")*/
  for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($array); $i++) {
    $this = $array[$i];
    $array[$i] = substr($this, (strlen($this)/2), strlen($this));
dslicer at maine dot rr dot com
3.06.2003 3:41
Something that should probably be documented is the fact that both natsort and natcasesort maintain the key-value associations of the array. If you natsort a numerically indexed array, a for loop will not produce the sorted order; a foreach loop, however, will produce the sorted order, but the indices won't be in numeric order. If you want natsort and natcasesort to break the key-value associations, just use array_values on the sorted array, like so:

$arr = array_values($arr);
tmiller25 at hotmail dot com
26.04.2002 4:55
add this loop to the function above if you want items which have the same first characters to be listed in a way that the shorter string comes first.
  /* short before longer (e.g. 'abc' should come before 'abcd') */
  for($i=count($array)-1;$i>0;$i--) {
    $str_a = $array[$i  ];
    $str_b = $array[$i-1];
    $cmp_a = strtolower(substr($str_a,0,strlen($str_a)));
    $cmp_b = strtolower(substr($str_b,0,strlen($str_a)));
    if ($cmp_a==$cmp_b && strlen($str_a)<strlen($str_b)) {
      $array[$i]=$str_b; $array[$i-1]=$str_a; $i+=2;
Ulli at Stemmeler dot net
5.04.2002 18:01
natcasesort didn't work first time I needed something like this.
Not on my local server, not on my server on the web.
I needed an array sorted ignoring upper and lower cases. In the end lower case array-members stayed at the end of the array.

I replaced it with this function:
function ignorecasesort(&$array) {
for($i=0;$i<sizeof($array);$i++) { $array[$i]=strtolower($array[$i]).$separator.$array[$i]; }
for($i=0;$i<sizeof($array);$i++) { $this=$array[$i]; $this=explode($separator,$this); $array[$i]=$this[1]; }

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